Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Student Foundation

Today after my classes two men walked into our house holding letters. They came up to my room and handed one of the two letters to me. Both of the men were from Student Foundation (the group I had my interview for on Monday). I opened my letter and the first word was CONGRATULATIONS! I made it into Student Foundation!!! I am super excited about this. I get to stay involved on campus and be in touch with a lot of rich alumni. Can someone say networking? It is the group I really wanted to be a part of and I got in! I thought I would share the good news!


  1. Yeah! At first I forgot you were in college and was like, "holy crap, two guys were breaking into mom and dads house!" but then I remembered and everything calmed down.

    Kyle, you rock my socks!!

    Ps. Isn't it weird that the words "mom" and "dad" are each only 2 letters? Plus you type mom with the right hand only and dad with the left only. Strange.

  2. YAY!!! You are awesome!!! I am 90 percent proud and 10 percent jealous... oh to be in college again :)

  3. Yay!! Yay!! Yay!! AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
