Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 5 with our adopted family living in the basement

Last night I decided to take the two kids to DQ on my own. First let me point out there is a lot you forget about children after your own kids have grown. Second, I should point out that I have absolutely no concern about spoiling these two kids, and won't even come close to disciplining them.

We get to DQ and the 4 year old sees someone with a dipped cone. I know she shouldn't have a dipped cone. She knew she shouldn't have a dipped cone. But I think she figured out quickly I wasn't going to say no, so she got a cherry dipped cone. I got her 2 year old brother a small dish of ice cream.

When I returned to the table with the dipped cone and small dish of ice cream, the 2 year old pointed at the cone and grunted "tha tha tha" which I think meant he wanted one too. He then proceeded to turn around, put his head on the bench and started to cry. So given the two points made above, I quickly went to the counter and ordered a second dipped cone.

When I returned to the table with the cone, the 2 year old pointed at it and screamed "NOOOOOOOO". I looked at the 4 year old (she translates for me) and she informed me she had given him a taste while I was away and he doesn't like it. So I had a blizzard and dipped cone while the 2 year old ate his dish of ice cream and the 4 year old ate her cone.

It was fun. Don't ever send your kids to me for discipline.


  1. Ha ha! Kids are weird.

  2. 1. Don't blame your ice cream indulgences on a two-year-old. :)
    2. Megan, think about how weird your kids will be...
